Part Time student Minister

Kentucky Road Christian Church is located in the town of Mexico, MO. We are currently looking for a part time Student Minister to serve as the spiritual oversight for our middle school and high school students and families. We have a great group of volunteers who desire a proven leader to guide and direct them as they minister to our youth. We are seeking an individual who can train the volunteers well and invest in the lives of our children and students. 

Over this past few years, we have seen significant growth in our Contemporary Service. We have added several new, younger families to our church. Many of these families are attending church for the first time in their lives. There is great potential for more growth in the near future. The Student Minister will be part of the team that seeks to leverage the current impact that Kentucky Road is making in Mexico, MO. We seek to transform lives for Christ, and the Student Minister has the honored position of being a key component in impacting and transforming the lives of these new Christian families. 

If you are interested in learning more about this position, please send your resumes to We are excited about the possibilities and getting to know you more. 


If you would like to read the full job description, please click here.

Part time children's minister

Kentucky Road Christian Church is located in the town of Mexico, MO. We are currently looking for a part time Student Minister to serve as the spiritual oversight for children and families. We have a great group of volunteers who desire a proven leader to guide and direct them as they minister to our youth. We are seeking an individual who can train the volunteers well and invest in the lives of our children. 

Over this past few years, we have seen significant growth in our Contemporary Service. We have added several new, younger families to our church. Many of these families are attending church for the first time in their lives. There is great potential for more growth in the near future. The Children's Minister will be part of the team that seeks to leverage the current impact that Kentucky Road is making in Mexico, MO. We seek to transform lives for Christ, and the Children's Minister has the honored position of being a key component in impacting and transforming the lives of these new Christian families. 

If you are interested in learning more about this position, please send your resumes to We are excited about the possibilities and getting to know you more. 


If you would like to read the full job description, please click here.