All Things New - Current Series

When is Jesus returning? This question plague Christianity throughout its history. Time and time again, experts predict Jesus’s return only to be disappointed. This often leaves more questions than answers. What are the signs? How will we know? In the New Testament, there is a common understanding that the church lives in the end times. Jesus’s return is soon. Are we living like it?


September 8 - The People

September 15 - The Opposition

September 22 - The Worship

September 29 - The Prayer

October 6 - The Mission

October 13 - The Questions

Week 1: The People

September 8, 2019

Week 2: The Opposition

September 15, 2019

Week 3: The worship

September 22, 2019

week 4: the prayer

sEPTEMBER 29, 2019


oCTOBER 6, 2019

week 6: the questions

oCTOBER 13, 2019